Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Holy Kum & Go!

Guess what we found?

Shelly and I took off on Saturday afternoon and headed up to 11,000 feet where, despite the fact that it was June, we found snowy Leadville, Colorado.

(We didn't really find it...we were looking for it.)

What we were not looking for was this.....remnants of Greg's youth. It's Kum & Go, all the way from West Des Moines, Iowa.

So, I dragged Shelly inside where I could chat up the clerks and get some physical evidence of my visit to Kum & Go number 915.

"So," says I, "I suppose Bill doesn't make it all the way out here very often."

"Mr. Krause?" one of the clerks replied, looking at me as if she knew I should not be calling the kingpin of the Krause-Gentle empire Bill.

"Actually, his son was just out here last week," the other clerk said, clearly unimpressed that I knew so much about the K&G power structure.

So, I bought some Certs and left.

(Useless bit of trivia: The K&G I worked at was number 533. How I remember that some 12 years after my last shift, I do not know. I can assure you, though, that I could be using that space to remember something more important...)

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