Thursday, December 14, 2006


There isn't much to report from our housewarming party -- a lot of Chinese came and had interesting American food and drink -- but there are a couple of photos worth sharing.

The first is this piece of "Italian cauliflower" that I found CitySuper, Hong Kong's ritzyest supermarket. It was slightly tougher than the white cauliflower I'm used to, but it had a similar flavor.

The second is this photo that proves that all garbage is edible, especially when it's made from meat. Our little scavengers found the trash bag before it made it to the trash can. You'd think we starved them or something...

* * *

And with that, I'm on my way to Denver. I'll post more photos in the coming days, including some of Hong Kong all decked out for Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd guess you made it TO Denver without too much of a problem; the bigger question is did you get stuck there due to the blizzard?
