Thursday, September 06, 2007

August: Mahjong

Also in August, we sort of learned how to play mahjong. Mahjong is a very popular game in Hong Kong; you can often hear tiles clacking when you walk the streets, especially on the weekends.

So one evening when we having dinner with some Chinese friends, they decided to teach us.

I can't really say that I learned how to play mahjong. It's like baseball in that while you can quickly understand the basics, there are so many complexities to the game that you'll have to play it over and over and over again before you really start to get it. I mean, I now know the basic rules to mahjong, but if I hadn't had an assistant, I never would have been able to play the game.

We did learn the Chinese character for "fat choy."

1 comment:

Fiona said...

I remember learning to play when I was about 13 and I haven't played since.
We bought a set a few years ago but would have a hard enough time remembering how to play ourselves, let alone find two other people to teach as we go along.
I do remember I really enjoyed it though, much more than Go which Nic and I tried to play a few years ago.