Friday, April 21, 2006

And the Beat Goes On

I'm not a morning person. I can be, if I have to be, but I generally don't like to wake up at 6:45.

Unfortunately for me, that's when the banging and beating of house construction -- and house destruction -- begins. And from the looks of it, it's going to be a slow project.

Our neighbors moved out a week or so ago, though their furniture remains stored in their garage, so we don't know if they're gone for good, or just for a while. The day after they left, the banging began, as a work crew descended on the house to begin taking it apart, piece by piece. There's a reason you don't see any machinery in this photo: It's all being done by hand.

The hammering and pounding are slowly working their ways into my dreams, which at least means that I'm now able to sleep through some of the destruction. This is one of the rare times that I envy Shelly's sleeping patterns. I doubt that she'll ever be awakened by the project.

This morning, she wasn't even at home when they started work.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried a pair of Shelly's earplugs? I'm sure that's a good part of why she sleeps blissfully...


Anonymous said...

Ever tried a good set of pissed-off goats?

They'll tear that house to pieces in no time.

And when they're done, you can eat them. Deconstruction & BBQ, nothing better!