Friday, November 11, 2005

Computer Update, and My Life as a Driver

Believe it or not, my computer is fixed, and we should be reunited this afternoon.

I called the Apple Center repair line yesterday, which referred me to Jeff, whom I had met a couple weeks ago. So, I called Jeff.

"Your computer has been ready for about four days," he said.

"Really?" I tried not to sound too irritated.

"We tried to call you, but there was no answer. We called both the cell phone and the landline numbers," he said.

I find that hard to believe, but you never know. Maybe they did try to call, but none of the calls went through.

Going into the city today with Bobby actually works out well, as I've been recruited for a couple of driver jobs this weekend.

On Saturday night, I'll be making my first trip back to the airport since arriving to pick up one of Shelly's colleagues who is arriving from Maryland, and on Sunday, I'll be one of the drivers -- and the sole male -- on a shopping trip. Today will give me yet another chance to leech information off of Bobby, who used to drive a taxi in Manila.

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