Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Don't Worry. There's No Sugar.

That's the Pepsi Max slogan ... don't worry, there's no sugar!

Pepsi Max, which tastes almost exactly like Diet Pepsi does at home, is a tasty soft drink I had all but forgotten about since leaving Japan in 1997. Depending on where you are, you can buy a single can of soda for somewhere between 13 and 25 pesos -- 13 pesos (about 25 cents) in the grocery store, 20 pesos from vending machines, 25 pesos last weekend on our tour of Corregidor. It seems like a good price, though the cans are slightly smaller here, weighing in at 330 ml instead of the 350 (354?) ml we have in the States.

Interestingly -- or not, depending on your perspective -- the Diet Pepsi made in the Philippines tastes nothing at all like the Diet Pepsi made in North America.

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