Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Street Shrine

On Sunday, I wandered out east to Chai Wan, via tram, subway and foot. Chai Wan certainly wasn't the most interesting part of Hong Kong .... it's mostly newish skyscrapers which aren't particularly unique to the Hong Kong skyline.

I did encounter a small, makeshift shrine built under the stairs to a pedestrian bridge.

At the bottom of the shrine, that's a bottle of orange drink and a couple of small oranges. Your guess is as good as mine as to the purpose of this shrine.

On my way home, back in Happy Valley, I came upon a Mercedes-Benz parked outside my apartment. Expensive cars are the norm in Hong Kong, so a Benz in the neighborhood is nothing to get excited about. (I counted cars one evening recently. Of ten cars that went through the intersection outside our building, there were five Mercedes, three BMWs, one Acura and one Toyota.) So what was it that made this particular car stand out? It has six doors:

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