Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Death-Defying Acrobatics of Fat Choy

You know, I'd like to have a cat that lives longer than a few years. But the way Fat Choy indulges her love of acrobatic stunts seriously makes me question if she'll be with us for that long.

A couple of months ago, she discovered that she could hop up on top of the shower stall and look down on us while we're showering. She's branched out sitting on the open door next to the shower (although when she moves, the door moves with her, and she never seems terribly happy about that). She's also figured out that she can step from the shower door to the laundry drying rack and that the drying rack will swing back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. What fun!

The one that really concerns me, though, is the fact that I found her halfway out the window a couple of days ago. For anyone who has been in our flat, you know that there are only a few inches of window not covered by a coarse chicken wire. The chicken wire is extremely aesthetically displeasing and causes great trouble when trying to open or the close the window, but it has been a fairly effective method of keeping the cat inside. Fat Choy managed to find one of the few spots that remains uncovered. We thought it was inaccessible until we witnessed her climb up the window frame before sticking her head and shoulders through a spaces that measures -- seriously -- two inches high. I don't think she's trying to escape, as she seems quite content here most of the time. I think she's just a bit too adventurous for her own good.

My mother-in-law tells me that their cat has one-quarter the energy of Fat Choy. I tell her I can't wait until Future Fat Choy has one-quarter the energy of Present Fat Choy.

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